The misadventures of a young man as he figures out what to do with this whole "life" deal...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Dude, it's raining

So hey, I'm in Seattle! I feel more indie rock already!

When I got to the rental car place, the guy asked me if I was here for business or pleasure. Good question! B-both, maybe? Pleasure, for sure.

But business? Well. Sort of. I'm not comfortable blogging about it yet (because this blog gets such incredible volume that my secrets could be RELEASED TO THE WORLD), but there are things brewing that could mean some huge, hopefully positive changes in my life. I'd kind of hoped that these changes would be happening in Seattle. In fact, I was really getting excited about the idea -- this city is very cool, and it's been looming in my imagination almost as long as I can remember. But it doesn't look like it's going to happen here. Too bad :(

But that still leaves me two days of free time in a friggin awesome metropolis! I'm spending a little downtime in the hotel after a very long, fun, but ultimately disappointing day (but that's still cool: cable TV! It's easy to satisfy me). But I'm going back into town tonight, and then maybe out to check out some of the famous Pacific Northwest landscape. I grew up in the Midwest and Florida, so the prospect of friggin M O U N T A I N S makes me happy.


Blogger djdrrrtypoonjabi said...

Welcome to the West Coast, mate. Are you going to check out the Experience Music Project?

3:06 AM, March 05, 2007

Blogger N said...

EMP was awesome! Dork that I am, I enjoyed the Sci Fi Museum too.

Seattle is truly a friggin awesome town, and I'm definitely going to try to make it back out there soon.

10:04 AM, March 07, 2007


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